Great Techy Gear and Gadgets: Series 2

Great Techy Gear and Gadgets: Series 2
In this series we’ll look at some great techy gear and gadgets so you can put your skills to the test and have some fun along the way. We tailor pick gadgets and gear that we think add a new way of experiencing or learning an area of tech, to help you get your head out of the textbooks and into some hands-on, but fun, learning. You can see part one of our series here.
DIY Bionic Robot Lizard ($54.99)
This kit is an excellent way to delve into the world of robotics and have lots of fun at the same time. This kit has everything you need to put the robot together, and also includes a visual programming language so you can program it to move with the included Sunfounder Nano board. This kit is great for beginners since it comes with easy instructions and a visual programming language, making it very accessible.
More details:
- Great way to learn robotics, electronics, & programming
- Programmable to walk & change gestures and directions w/ the included remote control
- Easy to code w/ the visual programming language software
- Comes w/ simple assembly instructions
- Sunfounder Nano board (included)
- Arduino
For more information on the DIY Bionic Robot lizard see here.
SunFounder Nano DIY 4-DOF Robot Kit ($49.99)
This new robotics learning kit by SunFounder is called Sloth! It is compatible with the SunFounder Nano board that’s included in the kit, or an Arduino board if that’s your preference. This kit injects a lot of fun into learning robotics with a robot that dances, kicks and walks. The kit is perfect for beginners and more experienced users alike since it comes with a visual programming language and is also great value for money.
More details:
- Build a variety of different models w/ the included pieces & program each to do different things
- Program the Sloth to walk on two legs or change directions based on gesture detection
- Learn how to code faster & easier than ever w/ the visual programming language software
- Get creative w/ your robot & make learning to code more fun than ever
- SunFounder Nano board (included)
- Arduino Nano board
You can find out more about the kit here, including a breakdown of the kit and shipping details.
CrowPi Raspberry Pi Accessory Kit ($220)
There are two versions of this kit that was successfully funded on Kickstarter! Both versions are equipped with a motor, receiver, buttons and more fun components for you to play around with. One kit comes without Raspberry Pi Board and is $220, and one comes with a Raspberry Pi Board and is $349.
This kit helps you get to grips with both programming and electronics. When you connect your Raspberry Pi and you get access to tutorials and components for building a range of different projects. This versatile kit means you can keep learning and practising as you create and develop different projects, testing your capabilities.
More details:
- Build your own Raspberry Pi creations w/ step-by-step tutorials
- Make your own projects w/ various DIY components
- Use your CrowPi as a mini computer via the 7-inch touchscreen
- Compact case makes it easy to take your CrowPi anywhere
- Grow your computer science knowledge & dive into programming w/ Python
- Compatible with Raspberry Pi 2/ 3 and 3B+
To find out more including specs and a breakdown of the kit, click here.
Raspberry Pi 3 + Speech Controlled Smart Robot Car Kit ($169.99)
Let’s be real, speech-controlled electronics have always been on the cool side of tech, you can now command your phone, command your home electronics, but what about a smart robot car? You can with this kit.
Another product designed by SunFounder, this kit includes the intelligent PiSmart platform based on Raspberry Pi and integrates Speech to Text (STT), Text to Speech (TTS) and servo and motor control. It also includes a 5-channel 10-bit ADC and ultilizes the 8-Channel digital built into the Raspberry Pi which makes DIY programming easier. This kit allows you to create your own car, program it to follow a line and avoid obstacles and also respond to your voice.
More details:
- Includes Raspberry Pi
- Based on the PiSmart platform
- PiSmart integrates speech recognition of STT, TTS, & servo and motor control
- Works for line following & obstacle avoidance w/ the ultrasonic & line follower modules
- Many pin headers allow you to install more sensors for function extension
- Supports graphical programming w/ Scratch for easy debugging
You can find more details on this kit, including a breakdown here.
That completes series 2 of our Great Techy Gear and Gadgets where we aim to bring you fun and educational techy products so you can continue to impress your friends! We’ll be back soon with part 3.
Quick Look: DevOps with Cloud Computing Bundle

This 6-course bundle comprises of a huge 262 lessons and hours and hours of content that will help push you to the next level of your DevOps career.
Let us take a look at the courses in this bundle:
DevOps on AWS
Key details:
- Lifetime access
- 5.5 Hours of Content
- 37 Lessons
- Experience level: all levels
DevOps, however, looks at automating the entire process of testing and deployment to reduce the amount of work that a developer needs to do. Amazon Web Services (AWS) offers powerful cloud features which can help scale your application easily to millions of users. This course gets you up to speed on DevOps and AWS so you can jump start your career in this fastly growing field.
Microsoft Azure: Complete Guide to Solution Architect Exam
Key details:
- Lifetime access
- 11.5 Hours of Content
- 57 Lessons
- Experience level: all levels
Microsoft Azure has been growing in popularity in the last couple of years and is currently one of the most popular cloud computing solutions on the market. since its exceptional growth, the demand for Azure cloud specialists has been grown having it a great area to expand your knowledge in.
Learn DevOps with Jenkins All in One Guide
Key details:
- Lifetime access
- 4.5 Hours of Content
- 32 Lessons
- Experience level: all levels
This comprehensive course delves into the world of continuous integration, allowing you to understand the concepts behind it. With Continuous Integration your code is automatically tested every time it is changed, allowing developers to work more efficiently and effectively. If you want to master Continuous Integration but have zero knowledge of what it is, then this course is perfect for you.
Project in DevOps: Build Real-World Processes
Key details:
- Lifetime access
- 9 Hours of Content
- 58 Lessons
- Experience level: all levels
This course is perfect in helping you break into the high in demand field of DevOps. This course will take you on a journey of DevOps processes, how to build effective processes that will shorten your development cycles, increase deployment frequency and follow business objectives.
Git and GitHub Essentials
- Lifetime access
- 7 Hours of Content
- 48 Lessons
- Experience level: all levels but basic knowledge of Linux is required
If you’re in the development world, you’re using GitHub and if you’re an aspiring developer you’ll need to learn all about Git and Github, this course is perfect at getting you to the required standard. Git is a version control system that tracks changes made to computer files and saves the file after each change is made. Furthermore, Github is a repository that allows you to save your coding files and create a collaborative environment.
Become An AWS Certified Solutions Architect: Associate
- Lifetime access
- 2.5 Hours of Content
- 30 Lessons
- Experience level: all levels
Amazon Web Services (AWS) is one of the most popular cloud computing solutions on the market and architects are always in high demand to implement and maintain cloud system architecture. In this course, you’ll start your journey towards that goal, covering all the material you’ll need to pass the AWS Solutions Architect – Associate Certification Exam.
Quick Look: Pay What You Want: The Machine Learning in Python Certification Bundle

In this Quick Look, we are going to be looking at Pay What You Want: The Machine Learning in Python Certification Bundle. As the title suggests you can pay what you want for this bundle, anything from $1 and above, however, the average price people pay is $15.82.
This bundle comprises of 8 courses to get you skilled up from beginner to proficient programmer in machine learning and Python. In July this year, the highly popular and reputable magazine The Economist conducted a study that reported that Python is now becoming the world’s most popular coding language.
Let us take a look at the courses in this bundle:
An Easy Introduction To Python
Key Details:
- Lifetime access
- 28 Lessons
- 3 Hours of content
- Level required: beginner
The first course in this bundle is an easy introduction to python. Python is an essential coding language in data analysis, machine learning and web development, making it an extremely valuable language to learn.
Advanced Deep Learning With Neural Networks
Key Details:
- Lifetime access
- 28 Lessons
- 3.5 Hours of content
- Level required: all levels
This course delves into TensorFlow, an open source software created by Google in 2015. It uses the software to work through neural networks and into the world of language modelling and image recognition.
An Easy Introduction To Deep Learning On The Google Cloud ML Engine
Key Details:
- Lifetime access
- 30 Lessons
- 3 Hours of content
- Level required: beginner
This course will guide you through running deep learning models in TensorFlow on the Google Cloud platform. You’ll explore building and deploying TensorFlow models and apply your skills to the real world with a taxicab fare prediction problem.
An Easy Introduction To Unsupervised Deep Learning
Key Details:
- Lifetime access
- 22 Lessons
- 2.5 Hours of content
- Level required: beginner
Unsupervised deep learning allows the machine to gather its own insights, rather than the programmer telling it which insights to find. This can result in for some game-changing discoveries. This course delves into all things unsupervised deep learning.
An Easy Introduction To AI And Deep Learning
Key Details:
- Lifetime access
- 62 Lessons
- 8.5 Hours of content
- Level required: intermediate
This course will show you how to build deep learning models and explore advanced AI capabilities with neural networks. It is these capabilities that allow AI to distinguish important data and not so important data, something very important in self-driving cars for example.
An Introduction To Machine Learning And NLP in Python
Key Details:
- Lifetime access
- 38 Lessons
- 8.5 Hours of content
- Level required: beginner
This course includes training from Silicon Valley pros into the world of machine learning and Python.
An Easy Introduction To Machine Learning Using Scikit-Learn
Key Details:
- Lifetime access
- 17 Lessons
- 2 Hours of content
- Level required: beginner
This course offers an overview of machine learning with a focus on implementing classification models via Python’s scikit-learn. This is an excellent course for aspiring data scientists of developers.
An Easy Introduction To Recommendation Systems
Key Details:
- Lifetime access
- 20 Lessons
- 4 Hours of content
- Level required: beginner
This course allows you to master the theory and practice of building a movie recommendation system, peeling back the curtain on the technology that drives these programs.
Quick Look: The Ultimate Java Programming Bundle (Lifetime Access)

In this Quick Look we are going to be looking at The Ultimate Java Programming Bundle: Lifetime Access currently 98% off at ($29). This bundle covers everything to do with java programming, to take you on a journey from beginner to a proficient programmer.
Learning a programming language is always an investment because it teaches you logical reasoning skills that you can apply to a multitude of tasks, and help you when it comes to learning additional languages. However, not all programming languages are created equal, Java is a highly popular language that has a great number of applications.
According to stack overflow’s 2017 Developer Survey, Java was the third most commonly used language with 38.8% of professional developers using it in their professional career. The same survey also asked developers how they like to learn new skills and 64.7% of developers recommended taking online courses, making it the most recommended type of learning.
Java is a mature language that frequently used in enterprise applications within the worlds biggest companies, making it an excellent language to learn to jump start your programming career.
The Complete Web Development Course
- Lifetime access
- Experience level required: beginner
- Access 24 sections of content 24/7
- Explore more than 10 web development tools, including HTML, CSS, PHP & JavaScript
- Familiarize yourself w/ the basics & apply your skills to practical projects
- Get hands-on training building a drawing app, company website, speed reader app & more
- Validate your training w/ a certificate of completion
Covering HTML, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery, PHP, and more essential technologies, this course will take you from beginner to proficient programmer. The course starts with simple examples to help you grasp the concepts behind Java. Then, once you’re more proficient, you’ll move on to building real, professional projects, like a fruit slicing game, stopwatch app, and even a fully functional car sharing website.
The Complete Java & Android Studio Course For Beginners
Key details:
- Lifetime access
- Experience level required: beginner
- Access 20 sections of content 24/7
- Learn how to code w/ Java via Android Studio
- Walk through building several app projects
- Validate your training w/ a certificate of completion
Android is the world’s most popular mobile operating system, so it should come as no surprise that developers stand to make a pretty penny creating apps for it. But, before you can get started, you’ll want to get up to speed with two essential tools: Java and Android Studio. This course is accessible to beginners and an excellent way to get hands-on experience going through several app projects as you learn.
Java Swing: Graphical User Interface (GUI)
- Lifetime access
- Experience level required: intermediate
- Access 1 section of content 24/7
- Familiarize yourself w/ the Java Swing framework
- Learn how to write GUI applications in Java
- Validate your training w/ a certificate of completion
For the uninitiated, a GUI, or Graphical User Interface, is the interface by which users interact with a device, like your computer’s desktop. As such, knowing how to build them is a valuable skill, and you’ll learn how using Java and the Swing library in this course. Split into four sections, this course starts you off by walking you through what exactly a GUI is and when it’s used. From there, you’ll take on AWT and Swing libraries, Swing events, MySQL, and more advanced concepts. By the course’s end, you’ll emerge ready to write GUI applications in Java and expand your programming skills.
This course is intermediate level, therefore we recommend completing the courses in this bundle in order so that you are up to the required level by the time you come to this course.
There are additional 5 courses in this bundle, please follow the link to see more
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